
The first and only copies of the bible were in Aramaic.

Jesus spoke Aramaic. The first and only copies of the bible were in Aramaic. They have translations of this Bible here.

Here are a few interesting translations. For instance about prayer.

Truly the faith of God in you let be   If you believe in your heart -if your heart becomes divided not the thing you say will happen.

Heres another

happy are those who are rinsing their robes that it will be license on the log of life and they may be entering the portals to the city REV 22:14

If we believe we will enter that state of resting We who believe are entering into the stopping, according as he has declared “as i swear in indignation, if they shall be entering into my stopping…! Although the works occur from the beginning of the world. for only we who believe God can enter.  0334_bible_devil_christian_ani.gif